(by Dennis B. Horne)
In this article, Elder Widstoe destroys the attempt made by many scientists to redefine
a theory as a fact. Science may have their own reasons for calling theories
facts or truths, but they are not acceptable to non-specialists/scientists, who
still define theories as theories, and truth as truth. For science to call a
theory a fact or truth in order to make it more attractive or palatable to
non-scientists is dishonest sophistry. Hence Elder Widstoe’s explanations,
especially in regards to the “theory of evolution”:
Thus, the fact of the constancy of composition of any chemical compound led to the inference known as the atomic theory; the fact that an apple falls to the ground, became converted into the theory of gravitation, and the facts of the fossil’s record in the rocks have become the theory of evolution. Such inferences from facts are useful in the further building of science; they are often glorious evidences of the power of the human mind; but they are only inferences of varying degrees of probability of truth approaching only the validity of facts. They are modernized, and truly better, “theories of men,’ but not on a par with the facts of experience.