Thursday, August 29, 2024

Interesting Items from the George F. Richards journal published by the Church Historian’s Press


Compiled by Dennis B. Horne


Note: The below are excerpts from the journal of George F. Richards, member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles (and also President of that Quorum), from the time of his call to the end of what the CHP has so far posted. These are selections that I find interesting for a variety of reasons, as will become apparent to readers. I have provided links at the end of entries for those who wish to read the originals.


7 April 1906 • Saturday

S. L. City Attended forenoon meeting and at close of the meeting when Prest Smith concluded making announcements Prest Lyman requested him to announce that Prest. H. S. Gowans and counselors were wanted at the stand after close of that meeting which announcement was made. We met Prest Lyman who requested me to meet him in about 30 minutes at the Historians office This I did and there met Elders John Henry Smith, Geo Albert Smith with Prest Lyman also Bp Orson F. Whitney and David O McKay. There Prest Lyman made known the intended action of the Conference to release from the Quorum of Apostles Jno W Taylor and M. F. Cowley which with the vacancy occasioned by by the death of Apostle Merrill would leave 3 vacancies which would have to be filled and we were asked as to the manner of our living and our faith in all the principles of the Gospel &c. Prest Lyman said the Spirit had indicated that we were the men. Each of us expressed our feelings & faith I first then Bro Whitney & then Bro McKay after which we separated. Repaired to the afternoon meeting In the evening I attended the Gen’l Priesthood [p. 227] meeting and at conclusion of the Priesthood meeting I accompanied by Preston Richards went over to the B Y Memorial building where he met with one lot of missionaries and I with the Colorado missionaries my Bro. Fred being there. Left there at 11:15 P.M. Staid at Sister Sarahs at night.


8 April 1906 • Sunday

S. L. City Weather fine.

I attended morning meeting at close of which Prest. Lyman requested me to get for him one of my pictures. Accordingly I went up to my Sister Asenath’s & got a picture and handed to Geo A Smith to give to Prest Lyman when I learned that it was for the News.

In in the afternoon owing to the numbers attended Conference overflow meetings were held both in Assembly rooms and on the grounds near the Bureau of information. Elder Geo. A Smith had charge at the Assembly room where the same business was attended to as in the Large tabernacle. Elder Benj. Goddard had charge at the Bureau of information.

I was in a good seat near the stand in the large Tabernacle and at about 3:45 P.M. Prest. Lyman who had been talking for perhapse 20 minutes commenced to tell that John W Taylor and M F. Cowley had handed in their resignations <as members of the quorum,> because they were out of harmony with the President of the Church and their quorums quorum. These resignations were presented Oct 28, 1905 and accepted by the Presidency and apostles. Prest Lyman then presented the General Authorities. He presented the President & counselors, then the old members of the Quorum after which Bro. Lyman [p. 228] deliberately read my name off and called the vote. There were no opposing votes. Then O. F. Whitney’s name followed with the Same result and then Bro. McKay’s name with Same result and the curiosity <of the people> was satisfied.

After meeting many friends shook my hand and offered congratulations and expressions of pleasure at my appointment. Many said they had thought I would be the man to fill the vacancy called caused by the death of Apostle Merrill among whom are the following,

Loren J. Robinson say saw it in dream.

Prest Lyman. Saw my Father in Council which meant <something>

Seymour B. Young

W. W. Richards

Joseph F. Smith Jr.

M. J. Richards

Susa Y. Gates

Thos Callister

Mamie Whitney Dunn

Thos. Call

Edna Smith

John Gillespie

Sister Rimington

My dream of March 22nd wherein I saw the Savior seems to have prepared me in a measure for this call.

I received a telegram from my brother F. S. Richards. who was in Washington also one from Apostle Reed Smoot at Washington offering congratulations, blessings &c. These came the day following. I also received nice letters from my Brother C C Richards, Richard R. Lyman, Wm M Roylance & Prest Philip S. Maycock. all of which I later answered except in the Case of R. R. Lymans which I acknowledged in person.


9 April 1906 • Monday

S. L. City Weather Still fine. [p. 229]

I attended a Special Priesthood meeting at the Assembly room at 10 A.M. and took my place on the Stand with the Apostles. At the request of some one in the audience at the concluding of the meeting Prest Smith introduced me and by request I stood up and made a few remarks after which Prest Smith said I never had been asked to do anything but that I had done it cheerfully. Then Bro’s Whitney & McKay were introduced and each made a talk.

At the conclusion of the meeting the Presidency and Apostles<, 1st Council of Seventies> repaired to the Temple where we met in Council and received valuable instructions from Prest. Joseph F Smith after which the new members were ordained and set apart members of the quorum by President Smith in order as follows. Geo. F. Richards, Orson F Whitney & David O. McKay. Then Prest Smith ordained Bro. Heart and Set him apart as one of the 1st Council of Seventies.

All of the Presidency & Twelve were present except Geo. Teasdale, Heber J. Grant and Reed Smoot. We had a regular Pentacost and brethren wept in one another’s embrace.

At 5 P.M. we met at Prest Winders new home 49 W Temple St our wives with us on his invitation where we partook of a bountiful repast after which Prest Smith dedicated the home to the use of Prest. Winder & family. Then talks were made by the brethren, music & singing &c and a most pleasant time was had.


10 April 1906 • Tuesday

Alice & Nerva went hom[e] on 7:45 train

S. L. City Weather pleasant until evening when it thundered, lightened and rained. I met with my quorum and the Mission presidents at the Temple at 10 A.M. Bro. A. W. Ivins of Juarez Stake. …

15 in all

Bro Whitney offered the opening prayr & I the closing prayr and all talked. The subject being that uppermost in the minds of the people and which caused the deposing of two of the apostles. Prest Lyman and John Henry Smith especially were emphatic in the denunciation of the actions of those brethren who had been teaching and practicing plural marriage since the issuance of the manifesto not and in sustaining Prests Woodruff, Snow & Smith in the attitude they have taken on that question. We by motion indorsed Prest Lyman’s views. We were in session about 3½ hrs and had glorious time. Without leaving the temple Some of us had a lunch in the dining room, then to the Annex meeting of Elders for the purpose of setting them apart for missionaries. I assisted in the Setting [p. 231] apart of 48 missionaries.


19 April 1906 • Thursday


Went from Asenath’s to Sarahs and from there to the temple at 10 A.M. where I was in meeting with the Presidency and Apostles for about 4 hrs. At this meeting it was decided to purchase the remainder of the old Smith farm in Vermont also to give to the relief of San francisco sufferers ten thousand dollars. Received my appointment to accompany Apostle Rudger Clawson to the Beaver stake [p. 2] conference.


21 April 1906

Our mission to the World, to establish the Kingdom at home and to redeem the world. also treated the Subject of true love of which we here get but a glimpse. In heaven it will be perfect as our atributes are perfected. Bore my testamony to the truth and that the time will come when all shall know it and many will be ashamed.


April 24, 1906

Last night while on the train I had a dream. I thought I was at a great gathering and Prest. Lyman was there and he was going over to C. R. McBrides [p. 9] for his wife as it seemed and he invited me to go along and intimated that I could get a partner there. When I awoke I was impressed with its meaning.

<A Dream>

The above I dreamed while on the Cars in my berth coming from Milford. Bro Rudger clawson occupied the berth under me.


30 April 1906 • Monday


Returned to Salt Lake on 6:30 AM Train. from Nephi called at Sarah’s and then called at Presidents Office [p. 14] where I received my first Stipend. My first purchas with it was a Cravinet Coat. to shed rain & dust. Reg price $30.00 – 20% $24.00 Paid Cash.


14 June 1906 • Thursday

Salt Lake

Attended Council meeting in the temple from 10 A.M. until 3 P.M. Question.

Was Moses Thatcher’s Priesthood taken from him? Ans.

Prest Smith, Jos. F. said his understanding is that the only way one’s priesthood can be taken from him is by excommunication from the Church. Parley P. Pratt held that in trying an elder in the Sandwitch islands [p. 54] who was charged with attempted rape. Prest Geo Q. Cannon was present there and entertained a different view & contended later for same. Prest Smith’s understanding is that a man may be silenced Silenced and prohibited from the exercise of his Priesthood and such is the Case of Moses Thatcher. Geo Albert Smith testified that that is the idea Moses has as he Geo. A. had heard Moses express himself. *From above I deduce the fol. A man can be deprived of his priesthood only by excommunication from the Church.

In the evening I attended a testamonial given in my honor by the people of the Stake at the Brick Social hall. There were about 450 present over 14 yrs of age. Good talks were made by Prest C A Orme of the Stake Presidency, S W Woolley of the High Council, John Gillespie of High Priests Quorum and John A. Bevan of the Seventies All spoke of my labors and gave many testamonials & complements much appreciated by me and yet they were perhapse some what extravagant. Prest Gowans made a nice speech and presented to me a nice leather upholstered chair as a token of respect and appreciation of my stake labors. I responded with an express[i]on of my appreciation of what had been done & said and of the beautiful, costly and useful gift, spoke of my business relations with the people for [p. 58] the passed past 18 years, no suits of law and very few suspense or bad accounts. Bore my testamony to the truth and referred to a dream had Mar 22nd last in which I saw & embraced the Savior and was thrilled with his love & presence.


28 June 1906 • Thursday


I attended Council meeting at 10 A.M. In afternoon I went down town, posted a letter & a picture to Elder Heber J Grant Liverpool Eng. Attended Prayr Circle in evening. 6:20 Did some repairing about house.

At Council meeting Prest Smith said when the Apostles are sent out into the Stakes to attend Stake Conferences They are authorized to select & ordain Bishops and Bishops Counselors and set them apart or ordain them, however, [p. 66] Presidents of Stakes should anticipate their necessities and submit the names to the Presidency of the Church that the Council may pass on the name. The Apostle visiting the Stake should be clear that it is the right thing to do. The Presidency of the stake should in all cases receive indorsement of the Presidency & Twelve. An apostle should not summarly dismiss a stake Presidency before consulting Presidency of Church Patriarchs should be chosen and ordained only after the Council or Presidency of the church have passed on the name. The Apostles have all authority when sent out to do every thing necessary but it is safe to take Counsel. Be clear before doing any reorganizing.


5 July 1906

At 9:30 P.M. accompanied Prest. Lyman to Prest office where we met Matthias Cowley and delivered to him the message from the Council that hereafter he is to not do any preaching Can bear testamony at Fast meetings but not accept invitations to preach even by his Bishop.


25-26 July 1906

Attended Prayer Circle meeting at 6:15 P.M. Prest. Lyman presiding * I related a dream or Vision I had wherein I saw and embraced the Savior on the 22nd or 23d of March last The seeing of him was something beautiful but that of itself would have been of little significance [p. 101] as compared with the results of my embracing him. My whole being seemed to be thrilled with with the power of his love and I was in deed in heaven. The singing of the hymn, “I Need thee Every Hour” brings this vision fresh to my mind hince this my favorite hymn.


21 August 1906

I have in mind to recommend to the brethren of my Council that we give unwritten blessings and Simply Set missionaries apart. Using simple form Something like the following

Bro. —— in the authority of the Holy Priesthood we lay our hands upon your head and set you apart a missionary to —— and confer and seal upon you power and authority to preach the Gospel and administer in the ordinances there of in the —— mission in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.


3 October 1906

Attended Conference of the Twelve in temple from 10 AM until 5:45 P.M. All the members of the Council except Elder Grant were present.

Many topics considered. I offered the Suggestion that in setting apart the missionaries the blessings be not written The same sentement prevailed with the members but no action taken. I called attention to the Revelation which provides that all officers in the Church where there is an organized branch be first submitted to the branch

The Seventies do not regard this as being necessary in filling officers with Seventies Matter talked over but no decision rendered. [p. 165]

Agreed that the Sacrament be administered to the chief present first then as they come in order. Better to have two pass it on the Stand


22 October 1906

Elder Wm Thompson

Prest. Los Angeles Conference. Had felt at times as if walking in mid air. Had seen the Countinance of his companions had shown under the influence of the Spirit of God. The Sick had been healed by the same power. Came Mar 17, 1906 to field.

A lovely Spirit, A man of God. Expense $15. per mo. current. Loves Prest. Robinson.

Prest. Robinson spoke.

I occupied about 45 minutes and cried like a baby under the influence of the Holy Spirit as did some [p. 11] of my brethren.

A veritable Pentacost Not much out of the ordinary spoken but much felt. How blessed to be in touch and have our hearts attuned so as to feel the inspiration the Lord has for us By request I offered the Closing prayr.


22 November 1906 • Thursday


Attended Council meeting at temple and offered op prayr. Decided by Prest Smith that it is all right for two brethren to Kneel while one asks a blessing upon the bread or water. The President Jos F Smith Condemned the incarnation doctrine which occasionally develops among us. Some now are trying to make it appear that Christ had a body before the one he had while here in the meridian of time. [p. 54]

I attended Prest Lyman’s Circle in the temple in the evening. I was mouth in blessing the oil. Prest Lyman gave some valuable instructions. Follow the head. Apostles have gone astray also Counselors in the Presidency but the Lord has never allowed a President (the mouthpiece) to get off the track. Apostles must have no secrets they have to keep hid from their President. They have done so in the past. All official acts must meet with the indorsement of the President of the quorum as well as the President. The head is approachable and when you hear whisperings which seem to be in conflict with the Presidents’ attitude, inquire of the President. The President will keep right. The Church will go right. Men may fall. Men have fallen from high places because they have been a law unto them selves. [p. 55]


6 December 1906 • Thursday


I attended Council meeting from 10 A.M. until about 2 PM. in temple. Attended to some business and went home. after supper called on my mother and in the evening I attended Circle meeting. Prest Lyman being absent I presided.

After the prayr at Alter we had a good time talking over what the Lord has done for us recently and how he has answered our prayrs. Read from Gems of the Prophet Joseph Smith what he has to say about the Second comforter and stated that we would [p. 72] be justified in aspiring to that condition where we can have with us the Second Comforter. Associated this with the singing of the hymn “I need thee every hour.”


13 December 1906 • Thursday


I attended Council meeting from 10 o’clock until 2 P.M. in temple. Reported my labors of past week and was assigned to the Sevier Stake Conference next Sat. & Sunday

I asked the question if it [p. 79] is proper to ordain a man when he is already a seventy and called to be a President of a quorum of Seventies. President Smith answered that it is not. That a man may be a President of Seventy to-day but not to-morrow while once a seventy always a Seventy. The President of the Church is not ordained President but Set apart.

2 I asked the question if a Patriarch moving from one stake to another, in order to act as such in the Stake into which he has moved should be both sustained and set apart. Prest. Smith answered no. All that is necessary is to have him sustained before the Conference.

3 I asked if temple work could be done for one who had committed Suicide. [p. 80] Prest Joseph F Smith answered that it had been ruled that Suicides be not officiated for except where good evidence could be given that the individual was mentally deranged or crazed. Each case will have to be decided upon its merits.


2 January 1907

Attended the quarterly Conference of the Twelve at temple [p. 97] from 10 A.M. until 5 P.M.

I made a talk as did all the brethren. Prest Lyman said he thought we all feel as Bro Richards had expressed himself and that we might adopt his sentiments as ours. Among other things I told the President my health is good & my shoulders broad and if he had any work more difficult than any other that he could trust to me to lay it upon me. That my greatest hope & most earnest prayr is that the Lord will sustain me in my calling & the discharge of my duties.


6 January 1907 • Sunday


I accompanied Bro. Rudger Clawson to Alpine ward where we released the Bishopric and tried to give the people another but failed. We nominated Benjamin Fulmer but the people rejected him by their vote. We left them to think over their condition a week or so.


9 January 1907 • Wednesday


I spent the day at home reading and in the evening went to Farmington and attended a cottage meeting held in Relief society hall & presided over by the Bishop. There were perhapse half dozen Patriarks present and some of them spoke. I also occupied a few minutes counseled the Patriarchs to moderation giving them a key. When the spirit speaks all doubts vanish and there is assurance & reality. This is the Spirit of Prophecy. When men exceed this spirits promptings i.e. make extravagant promises & statements [p. 102] not inspired of the Lord through his spirit they themselves become embarrassed, the people who by the Spirit know are also emparrassed [embarrassed] and the Evil one is likely to take possession & advantage of them. Patriarch Toleman had promised the Sisters that if they would be faithful they should not lose their children while Carrying them neither should their children die. I thought that an extravagant statement.


17 January 1907 • Thursday


I attended my Council meeting at 10 AM until 2 P.M. was mouth at A. Reported my findings at Blackfoot Stake last Sat & Sunday, and recommended a reorganization of the Stake Presidency. Received an appointment with Bro Clawson to Alpine to reorganize the Bishopric of the Alpine ward next Sunday which work we undertook to do two weeks ago but did not complete.


27 January 1907

My subject was. Officers placed in Primitive church, their duty. What they accomplished, The children were tossed to & fro when they had no officers hence the the multiplus Sects. The necessity for a prophet never was [p. 118] greater than when Joseph Smith came forth. No Prophet except Jesus ever brought forth such a work. such an organization, such officers such gifts & blessings & signs Such a volume of truth and all scriptural. The Book of Mormon, Doctrine & Covenants & Pearl of Gt Price and such instruction to the people not written. The vision of the Father & Son were of the utmost importance The world had been so long taugh[t] that the Father & Son are one being without body parts & passions Their identity is now established & their personality & it is scriptural. They taught Joseph that all the denominations had gone estray. None were right and their creeds are an abomination in His Sight. How an abomination? The doctrine of damnation of infants and all who from any cause whatever confess not Christ. [p. 119] Such consigned to hell while the most corrupt who confess go to heaven with the most devout saint. How abominable even in the Sight of man. &c. I spoke with more freedom & force than usual for the Lord greatly Aided me. After meeting One Mrs Schruggs requested to see me and I talked gospel for some time. She is an investigator who liked the principles but wanted to Know if she would have to believe Joseph Smith to be a Prophet.


6 February 1907 • Wednesday


Went down town to attend a meeting of the Gen’l Board of Religion Classes at Prest’s office at 4 P.M. and there found the Presidency and six of the Twelve in Council hearing Prest. B. H. Roberts’ paper on the eternity of the Spirit [p. 128] to go into the Manual the chief point of which was that the elements spiritual were by some kind of birth evolved into a spiritual body or those elements were clothed with a spiritual body So that the elements were & are eternal but the Spiritual body had a birth It was the Spiritual body of the Christ that the Brother of Jared saw. Christ Said this is the body of my Spirit meaning His Spirit body.


8 February 1907 • Friday


I went down town after dinner and read before the Presidency a letter I had written to Prest C. A. Orme for the Presidency of the stake answering questions in relation to members of the Church who are members of lodges & their rights in the Church in answer to a letter of inquiry from Prest C A Orme Prest Gowans being sick. The question originated in the Stake Priesthood meeting The Presidency indorsed my letter stating that the Stake Presidency should not let the letter go out of their hands Advised that it be read to [p. 130] the High Council but not to the Stake Priesthood meeting and that the Stake Presidency be instructed to bear the responsibility of what they present to the Priesthood meeting and their actions toward individuals and not shoulder all the responsibility on to the Presidency & Twelve, directing all criticisms at them. Follows Copy of letter written Prest C. A. Orme of Tooele Stake Presidency above referred to.

1010. 3rd St. Salt Lake City. Utah.

Feb 8, 1907.

Prest C. A. Orme

Erda. Utah.

Dear Brother Orme.

The matter about which you write has recently been before our Council and the following is the Sentiment of the Presidency and Twelve as nearly as I can voice same.

We make some distinction [p. 131] between those who were members of Secret and Fraternal Orders before coming into the Church and those who have joined such orders since becoming members of the Church.

The former class should be taught the position taken by the Church Authorities on that matter, that there is all in the Church that a man or woman could righteously desire; that the gospel if lived up to, will make its adherents one and united in all things even to love their brother as them selves and to love all mankind as our Father’s Children and as far as possible do them good, defend their lives their characters, their Civil and religious rights &c. These accomplishments should be attained in the Lord’s own appointed way, through the Gospel, that His name may be glorified and the [p. 132] honor be His.


All our energies as Church members should be directed along the lines indicated by the Gospel for the accomplishment of the above named purposes. To belong to the Secret orders divides one’s allegiance and his time and we think is wholly unnecessary.

When such persons shall have been thus taught as best you may be able, assisted by the Holy Spirit, you can with propriety that soon as they can see their way clear to do so, they should sever their Connections with such organizations. A person of this class who is otherwise faithful and worthy having demonstrated a willing and submissive spirit may be admitted to the temple or be promoted in the Priesthood at the discretion of the local [p. 133] Priesthood.

Of the second class of persons, will say; They should be taught as above indicated and be requested to withdraw from such organizations before being promoted in the Priesthood or going to the temple either for their own blessings or to do work for the dead. They are supposed to have known the attitude of the Church upon this question and with their eyes open and contrary to Counsel have joined these orders. They should now be required to give evidence of a willing and obedient spirit without which they are not entitled to further honor or greater blessings either at the hands of their brethren or of the Lord.

As to labor unions, while as a rule we are not in sympathy with their principles and methods, there may be [p. 134] instances where in order to obtain employment, some of our people have to join such organizations. We do not think this fact should prevent an other wise good Latterday Saint from enjoying all the benefits and blessings of the Gospel.

Your Brother in the Gospel

Geo. F. Richards

1010. 3rd St Salt Lake City Feb. 8.1907

Dear Bro Orme:

Enclosed find letter answering questions propounded in yours of 4th inst I have read it before the First Presidency who give it their indorsement. The President requests that the letter be retained in the hands of the Stake Presidency. It may be read before the High Council that they with the Stake Presidency may understand the case matter alike, and then that body should in [p. 135] their own way present it to the Stake Priesthood meeting since there is where the question originated; but the Presidency and High Council should bear the responsibility that attaches to that body and not shoulder it on to the Presidency & Twelve. This especially as it relates to the action taken in individual cases. I hope I have made myself clear and that the answers given will be satisfactory. With kind remembrance to Prests Gowans & McBride, the Council & Sister Orme I am Your Sincere Brother

Geo. F. Richards


11 March 1907 • Monday

St. George.

Prest. David H. Cannon took Prest Hart, John M. Cannon & me through the temple and up into the tower where we could see well the City & valley the temple being central of the Valley. Two suggestions I have to make 1st that a vault for the records be provided. 2nd That photographs of the Presidency & Twelve be placed in the temple.


17 April 1907

I called on Bp J. H. Robinson and counseled him in regard to the Lesser Priesthood [p. 29] organizations which he seemed to appreciate. He said he had a boy in the ward Prest J. W. Hess’ son 7 yrs old who was by his father ordained an Elder when 3 old yrs old. Asked what to do about it. I told him to proceed as if he had never been ordained & let the ward records show only the ordinations he should receive after baptism when ordained by direction of the Bishop. We do not ordain non church members Elders. We at least get them into the church first. I would not want a son of mine to be ordained by one whose only authority was conferred before he was a church member.


18 April 1907 • Thursday


I arose before daylight, cut up kindling, sprinkled lawn, made fires & wrote in my Journal as follows.

Last night I had a dream [p. 30] which when I awoke I associated with my California California mission for which I leave here on 9 P.M. train today.

A Dream

I thought I was viewing some lands or country which was somewhat new to me and as I obtained an eminance from which I scanned the Country over which seemed to impress me as being just ordinany but rather hilly I saw what seemed to be an eagle or some other large bird fly from the ground some distance below me and circle about almost unnoticed by me and presently I saw either the same bird or another like it fly from the same place. It seemed to me to be the same bird <or one like unto it> though that did not seem to have much significance whether [p. 31] or not it was the same bird. It flew along close the ground which led me to think there was a nest there and I had a desire to learn if indeed there was a nest and if so what it contained so I went to the spot which seemed to be under or by a fallen tree or dead log and among dead limbs & rubbish. The nest was illy provised and uninviting though the bird must have been satisfied with it. I saw one egg about the size of a hen’s egg and it was clean & white. I picked it up and examined it and remembered thinking or being disappointed in its size I thought from the size of the bird it should have been larger. When I came to examine the nest more closely I found among the rubbish in the nest other eggs all of which looked dark and undesirable. I [p. 32] went to pick up one of these eggs and it broke & I could see that it was rotten I found others the same and others seemed to be just ready to hatch. One was partly out of the shell and alive. I thought it rather cool to hatch these eggs but was very desirous that they should be hatched and with out my kindling a fire the fire was there on the side of the nest. I drew these eggs over on to the fire but soon saw that they were getting too warm and would be destroyed if I did not move move them so I moved them just off the fire but kept them just on the edge and they soon hatched out and though there were but few eggs as I first saw them, the young increased in numbers until the nest would scarcely hold them and [p. 33] although I had my arms around the nest trying to keep them in they filled the nest and some left the nest for want of room. A healthy lot of birds and those which left the nest seemed to be just as healthy and beautiful as those which remained in the nest. The nest was shallow but large around. One strange thing was that though the old bird had been black the young became white and seemed to change to pretty white rabbits. I saw nothing more of the old bird.

Of the above dream I was impressed that it referred to the Colony of our people now settling in the Sacramento valley (Gridley) Cal.


31 May 1907 • Friday

I attended a council meeting in the temple with the Presidency & Twelve & 1st Council of Seventy at 10 A.M. until about 2 P.M. …

We concluded a consideration of the article by B H Roberts on the manner in which the Nephite records were translated. Were agreed that his theory is most nearly correct of any considered if not perfectly correct.


30 June 1907:

A Prophesy Made 1739>6 [This is a false prophecy]

I obtained this day from Bro. Cardwell teacher in the 27th Ward S. School a copy of an excerpt or extract from a work entitled. “Hope & Zion” by Lutius Cration found in the University Library in Basil City Switzerland. Which is a prophesy on restoration It reads as follows.

[“]The old time Gospel and the gifts thereof are lost. False doctrins prevail in every church and in all the land. All we can do is to exhort the people to be just, fear God, shun evil and to pray, pray, pray Prayr & purity may cause an angel to visit a deep and distressed soul; but I tell you that God in one hundred years will have Spoken again from the heavens. He will restore the old church again. I see a little band of people led [p. 112] by a prophet and faithful Elders; they are persecuted, burnt out and murdered; but in a valley that lies on the Shores of a great lake, they will grow and make a beautiful land, have a temple of magnificent Splendor and also possess the old priesthood with apostles, prophets, teachers and deacons. From every nation shall the true believer be gathered, by Speedy messengers and then will God the almighty speak to the disobedient nations, with thunder, lightning and distruction such as were never heard before in the worlds history”

<A Prophecy of Import:>7

<Presented to Pres Winder & Pres Lyman who say same is remarkable They had seen we believe>

[For information on the inauthenticity of this prophecy, see Paul B. Pixton, “‘Play It Again, Sam’: The Remarkable ‘Prophecy’ of Samuel Lutz, Alias Christophilus Gratianus, Reconsidered,” BYU Studies 25, no. 3 (1985): 27.]


29 August 1907

Parents be what you would have your children to be. Remember that child may become a demon or an angel. Note the invironments and influences which go to make him what he is. Parents assist one another since your children mingle to-gether in the plays, schools, social & religious gatherings, on the range &c [p. 180] If your neighbor’s boy takes a downward course then your boy is in danger You therefore should check your neighbor’s boy in his down ward course and notify his parents who may be in the dark as to his acts. Then if the Bishop does his duty by that boy and the Ward teacher his and the School teacher his and all the organizations of which he is a member do theirs, how is that boy going to get for wrong. Let every man do his duty by his neighbor. Several spoke to me after meeting saying how appropriate & timely were my remarks. May the Lord be praised for I had no thought in advance of speaking thus.


29 Sept 1907

I occupied remaining 15 minutes Subject It will require a preponderance of evidence in favor of the Divine Authenticity of the Book of Mormon to induce the World to accept the work on account of their education. They to accept the Book as true must accept Jos. Smith as a Prophet, to which is to accept his story which makes the Ministers a fraud and deception. Teaching for doctrines the commandments of men and the Statement that the creeds of all the denomenations as an abomination in his sight.

How an abomination by deceiving the people and teaching false doctrine At Afternoon Pres Lyman occupied [p. 10] 50 minutes and I followed for forty minutes. Subject. Employment profitable as a preventative of evils, rise early and get all the benefits possible of the light from the Sun. Activity in the church profitable Strong hold of the Church consists in keeping so many at work. Let virtue garnish your thoughts unceasingly and your words and actions will be pure. Exercise of agency. Belief in God vs. belief in Darwin theory of Evolution. &c


6 October 1907

The Authorities were presented and Sustained. Bro. Anthony W. Ivins was sustained to fill the vacancy in the Quorum of the [p. 14] Twelve occasioned by the death of Bro. Geo. Teasdale. After the meeting the Presidency and the Twelve with Pres. Ivins repaired to the BeeHive where Bro. Ivins was instructed by Pres. Francis M. Lyman at the request of Pres. Smith the latter adding a few words which in Substance is as follows. The Twelve are the Special witnesses of Jesus Christ & Should be able to testify that he lives even as if he had been seen by them. Bro. Ivins was asked by Pres. F M Lyman if he was willing to accept of the Calling, which he by up lifted hand signified his willingness so to do.

All the Twelve were present except Elder Charles W Penrose who is in Europe presiding over that mission. We all put our hands on the head of Bro Ivins and President Joseph F. Smith with one hand only on his head ordained him an Apostle.


25 Nov 1907

Sister McCune Elder Smith & I were the Speakers Elder Smith 1st I last. We each occupied about 30 minutes included including the interpretation by Bro. Valensuela a Native & counselor to Bp. Rogers. I told them we are brothers & Bro. & Sis. Their skins are black & why? but if their lives are clean & they obey the Gospel their souls will be as white as mine. Spoke of Darwen theory & lack of hope on their part. &c.


12 March 1908

At night I dreamed that I drew Bro. Matthias Cowley from a fire which had consumed one arm and later it seemed that his head was nearly all gone. I did what I could for the remains.


17 March 1908

The Gospel is verily the Truth. I am happy in this knowledge and to know that I am indeed a child of God and have tasted of the Pure Love of God and have had my whole being thrilled by same. I rejoice in all there is in me that is good and regret that in me & my past life which is bad or un christlike and a glorious hope through the gos[p. 164]pel of obtaining full pardon of all my transgressions and by living a good, useful and faithful life I hope to obtain Eternal Life in the Celestial Kingdom with the good & pure.


6 January 1909 • Wednesday


6 January 1909 • Wednesday


I attended a regular meeting of the Council of the First Presidency & the Twelve in the temple from 10 9:30 until about 3 P.M. at which meeting the Sacrament was partaken of. Attended a meeting of the Religion Class Board at the President’s office at 4 P.M. and at 5 P.M. a meeting of the Twelve and the Seventy which lasted until about 10 o’clock P.M. a continuation of the consideration of Pres B H Roberts case wherein he [p. 5] is charged by the brethren with having written a letter to Richard Lyman in which letter he belittles Bro Reed Smoot a member of this Council and casts reflections upon the First Presidency and General Authorities of the Church the implication being that they are acting not in good faith and are dishonest. We are all agreed that Bro. Roberts ought not to have written such letter, which letter was afterward published to the world; he should have brought his grievance to his brethren.

Brother Roberts was unyielding. He desires to put his feelings & case in writing. An adjournment was taken subject to Call of the Pres. of the Twelve.

At our regular Council meeting I was appointed to go to Idaho and effect an organization of the New stake growing out of the Fremont stake. Meetings to be held at Parker. Elder D. O. McKay appointed to accompany me. I have asked Pres S. B. Young for one of his Council to accompany us.


16 January 1909 • Saturday

Price, Emery Stake

I attended 10 A.M. Conference. Attendance 151. Population of stake 6743.

Bro. John H. Pace of the Stake Presidency made a talk of about 20 minutes followed by Elder Staker recently returned missionary for 20 minutes. Pres. Joseph W. McMurrin occupied about 30 minutes and I occupied the remaining 30 minutes. Took for my text Joseph Vision of the Fath<er> and the Son. Read the first 19 verses from Extract from Joseph’s history as found in the Pearl of Great Price.

At 2 P.M. meeting present [blank]

I was the first speaker and occupied 60 minutes in continuation of my forenoon talk. If Joseph Smith was a true prophet of God all other denominations are not of God. If any one of them is of God Joseph Smith was not a Prophet. If the former proposition is true, there has been a universal apostasy. If there has been no universal apostasy there has been no restoration and our faith is vain. But we know our faith is not vain. Jesus promised that those who should do his will should know of the doctrine. We have applied the test & have received the knowledge even as did Peter the knowledge that Jesus is the Christ.


20 January 1909 • Wednesday

Attended Circle meeting in the temple, twenty-five in attendance A resolution favoring State wide prohibition and pledging ourselves to work for same was voted unanimously.


24 January 1909 • Sunday

At afternoon meeting the authorities were sustained, a resolution pledging ourselves to vote exercise all the influen<ce> we could with the legislators to have enacted a State wide Prohibition law as affecting the manufacture and Sale of spirituous or vinous liquors was presented and a standing vote taken. There were no opposition votes but a few did not vote at all.

At the Council meeting this A.M. Pres. Smith appointed Pres. Francis M. Lyman & Elders John Henry Smith and Heber J. Grant a committee to investigate the matter of recently reported plural marriages. To call into council any of the brethren suspected of having been encouraging this thing and if it can be learned who are doing it then to deal Summarily with them. I suggested the mode of procedure. [p. 140] This committee is authorized to call in any others or all of the Twelve to assist them. I received an invitation to meet with the above named Committee after my prayr Circle meeting the hour 7 P.M. in the Temple.

I attended my Circle meeting at 6:15 P.M. in Temple and at 7 P.M. met the above named Committee and Bros. Clawson and Ivins associated. Each expressed his feelings and attitude upon this question of recently contracted plural marriages.


15 July 1909 • Thursday

Home. <Hot weather.>

I was in committee meeting in the temple from 9 to 11 and from 12 to 1 and from 2 to 3:30 where Bp. Jos. Christensen of 10th ward, Patriarch Martineau, Benj. Goddard, Charles Martin and Henry Tanner were examined to learn what they knew of recently contracted plural marriages with a view to putting a stop to the same.


21 July 1909 • Wednesday


Attended regular council meeting of Presidency & the Twelve in the temple from 10 A.M. to 2:30 P.M.

Attended special meeting of the Twelve in the temple from 4 to 8:15 P.M. We had before us Bro. F. F. Hintze first and after had Bro. Joseph Musser. We are trying to learn who is getting people into trouble in the Church by putting them in opposition to the President of the church on the question of the practice of plural marriage, The President being determined it [p. 146] shall discontinue. As I have been appointed to keep a minute of the proceedings of these investigating meetings I have some extra writing to do at night.


22 September 1909 • Wednesday


I attended regular weekly council of the First Presidency and the Twelve from 10 A.M. to 2:30 P.M. Attended Special meeting of the Twelve from 3 to 5:30 P.M. in the temple. Elder M. F. Cowley was present by request and interrogated as to his knowledge of what is being done on the quivive in way of plural marriages. He claims to lie clear of any responsibility since his resignation from this Council.


27 September 1909 • Monday


I met with First Presidency, members of the Twelve and others and heard read a paper prepared by Elder O. F. Whitney by request of the Presidency on the Eternal progression of man or our attitude towards the subject of Evolution. This meeting was held at the President’s office from 10 A.M. to 1 P.M. Met with a committee consisting of Elders J. H. Smith, Elder Ivins & myself with Bro. J. E. Talmage to obtain from him a proposition of the Sale of the Copy Right [blank] of the manuscript “The Apostasy.” from 4 to 5 P.M. and attended to other business.


6 October 1909 • Wednesday


I attended fore and after noon meeting of Conference and at 4 P.M. met with the Twelve at Pres. Lyman’s office and heard what Pres. [first and middle initials and last name redacted] had to tell about his sister’s relations with Bro. [first and last names redacted] a suspicious case indicating marriage with a married man. Adjourned until 10 A.M. to-morrow when Bro [last name redacted] will meet with us. I got word to him through Bro. Goddard.

At the forenoon meeting Pres. B. H. Roberts was called upon and occupied 50 or 60 minutes for the most part devoted to a criticism of the present Church administration.

It should here be known that Pres B. H. Roberts was handled by the Council of the Twelve and Seventy some months ago for being out of harmony. He withstood us all and his case was presented to the First Presidency and there it has since rested and the argument made by him before the Conference is, I judge, the argument he had prepared for his further hearing when it comes if at all.

At the last moments of Conference [p. 203] in the afternoon Pres. Jos. F. Smith denounced him and his talk in unmeasured terms without mentioning his name. Pres Roberts went to the President when the benediction had been offered and just what was said I do not know i.e. what passed between them. I shook the Presidents hand and told him I thanked the Lord for those concluding remarks. I felt they were appropriate and needed.

Conference Report of what Joseph F. Smith said that Elder Richards referred to:


9 Nov 1909

I also instructed the missionaries along lines about as follows; Why so much stress placed by us upon the subject and necessity for cleanliness & virtue. The success or failure depends so much upon it. Lost virtue means failure every time. It is the Lord’s work you are going to engage in. You enter into partnership with Him. The means by which He aids you is the Holy Spirit. This spirit will not dwell in unholy tabernacles. You can not receive His assistance if unclean or unvirtuous hence failure, shame and dishonor are the inevitable result. The office of the Holy Spirit is diversified as are the demands or your necessities. Its promptings means conviction. When a question arises ask the Lord which way and study it out and conviction will come. That is inspiration and the spirit of prophesy. You are a partner with the Lord in that you help to make efficacious his Atonement by presenting to men the plan by which they may avail themselves of the benefits of His Atonement. Until they receive the Law or hear it they are not capable of condemnation by the Law or salvation by the Law. But when the law is come to them they are judged and either justified or condemned. Hence your [p. 4] testimony faithfully born becomes a savor of life unto life or of death unto death according as you they obey or reject the Same. 1 Nephi: 14:7; D&C 20:13–16


11 November 1909 • Thursday

I wrote to Pres. Francis M. Lyman the subject of a conversation had with Pres Jos. R. Murdock last evening [p. 5] while on train between Salt Lake and Provo relative to a case of supposed plural marriage.


30 November 1909 • Tuesday


I wrote up my journal for yesterday and to-day, wrote up my records &c.

Visited with my Mother & Sister at Asenaths and went to Farmington on 2 P.M. S.L. & O. Ry. train and returned on train leaving Farmington at 5:33 P.M. Had a good heart to heart talk about the action taken by the Church relative to the discontinuance of plural marriages and the disregard given to that action by some. I warned he[r] against her daughters being inviegaled into the meshes stating that all such were liable to be dealt with and to be excommunicated.

I spent about an hour with Pres. F. M. Lyman at his home in the evening in considering the matter spoken of above.


14 December 1909 • Tuesday


Sun shines bright. Good sleighing. I had a private conversation with Pres. Francis M. Lyman in which I expressed the though[t] that it would be well for members of our Council of Twelve to who have but one living wife to have some good dead women sealed to them while they are here and can look after their own interests as I have done, and perhapse Pres. Lyman could present it to these members in a way that they would take no offence. I would have my brethren avoid the disappointments which must follow neglect of oppertunity.


22 December 1909 • Wednesday


I attended regular weekly council meeting of the First Presidency and the Twelve in the temple. At this meeting it was decided to change the time of holding our council meeting from Wednesday to Thu. of each week at 10 A.M.


5 Jan 1910

Between meetings I recorded two sets of meeting minutes of special meetings held by the Twelve held Oct. 6 & 7 last. Investigating a case of questionable relationship between a man & woman.


7 January 1910 • Friday


I attended a meeting of the Council of the Twelve from 9:30 A.M. to 12:45 P.M. and again from 3:30 to 6 P.M.

Bro [first and last names redacted] was before us on trial or rather we were investigating his case wherein he is supposed to have formed improper maritial relations with Sister [first and last names redacted]. He persistantly refused to answer [p. 45] our questions which we considered pertinent and possible to answer.

It was decided by unanimous vote that he be disfellowshipped which is construed to mean a deprivation of all the privileges of the Gospel and to be relieved of of all official positions until Feb. [blank] when he is cited to appear and show cause if any why he should not be cut off the church (excommunicated) for contempt.

Pres. Lyman wrote out the decision and submitted it to me which I indorsed the same evening.

This is an action we felt reluctant to take but it seemed necessary and right.


17 Jan 1910

I had exceeding peace in my soul this evening and had there been oppertunity I would have enjoyed talking for 30 or 40 minutes.

“It’s good to be a Saint of Latter Days”


8 February 1910 • Tuesday


I attended a meeting of the First Presidency & Twelve and representatives from 35 stake Presidencies at the Annex of the temple from 10:30 to 1:45 P.M. At this meeting the report on Priesthood meeting by a committee on Priesthood was considered and rejected. The report recommended that the Priesthood quorum meetings meet on Sundays at 10 A.M. the Sunday schools at 2 P.M. and the Sacrament meeting in the evening. Meetings will continue as here to-fore, priesthood at on Monday night Questions were submitted and by Pres Smith & Pres Lund answered.

It is not advisable to join Womens Temperance Union. The Church is a Temperance society all sufficient The insurance offered by secret societies is not reliable insurance. Keep out of debt.

We must keep our pledge to the [p. 69] government. To disregard same by individuals is to place the President of the Church in jeopardy. No one has the authority to solemnize plural marriages and the Congress of the U.S. knows that and if it be done the President will be held responsible. It must not be done.


10 February 1910 • Thursday


I attended weekly Council meeting from 10 A.M. to 1:30 P.M. Attended a special meeting of the Council of the Twelve who sat to hear the case of [p. 70] [first and last names redacted]. An adjournment was taken after 2:20 two hours 20 min. consideration of his case, until Thu. Feb. 24, 1910 at 3 P.M. same place.


25 February 1910

Last night on the train where I slept well, I had a very re[p. 80]markable dream. I was in attendance at a stake quarterly conference on the stand and seated by Pres. Lorenzo Snow and as near as I can remember he either attracted my attention by looking or pointing and looking towards heaven and as we gazed in that direction our minds drawn out in desire to receive help or some manifestation, there came from that source a manifestation which impressed me that the love for our fellow men approaches that for our Lord. As I was once impressed by dream or vision and thrilled by the love of God or of Christ so I was on this occasion thrilled by the love of man for man. Love for my brethren.


27 February 1910 • Sunday

Mesa, Arizona.

I had a good night’s rest last night and feel well this beautiful Sunday morning.

<x A dream.>4

x Last night I dreamed a dream in which I saw that the Twelve who have been digging for some [p. 83]

<A Dream Continued.>

time had found the grave which contains the body for which they have been looking. The [last name redacted] case and the subject of secret plural marriages were associated in my dream with the case i.e. the dream if it has any significance, refers to that matter.

I dreamed that I had been absent for some time and on my return I saw a long and deep trench dug as indicated by the dirt thrown up I had seen that we were in council and that I had been absent and from a drawer I extracted so[me] papers which throw light upon the case under consideration and it was apparent that one of our number W. had tried to keep this information in obscurity On the diggings I saw one who was persistent in humming out loud as he worked not withstanding we were to work in the quiet. He was nevertheless as much interested in our search as any others. Pres Lyman was working hard when I came up and on the lead and I put to work with him and presently working backwards I discovered a loose sodd as if it had formerly been removed investigating further I found that a grave had been dug and covered over with sods but that it had sunken and showed the outlines of the grave distinctly. Pres. Lyman saw it and it seemed that that was the thing we had been looking for. i.e. in that grave was the body we had been [p. 84] looking for. I then asked Pres. Lyman if I should cover up the diggings to which he referred answered, “no I want to show it to them.[”] I thought I saw that there were a number of good men otherwise who had secretly hid this body from us and I could see their anxiety over the matter and how disconcerted they felt while we were digging. I saw a shover [shovel?] a Spade and a grubbing hoe which I recognized as my own and which had been used in the diggings and which it seemed I had used in the commencement of the work.


9 March 1910

While I was taking a nap I dreamed the water was flooding the house in which I was and I opened a door to go into the part where the water seemed to come from and there I saw the basement was full of water and it was rising into the room and I heard my little boy Oliver crying as if [p. 98] in great distress and as if he could scarcely cry he was so weakened. I was considerably disturbed when awakened because of the dream.


13 March 1910 • Sunday

Colonia Dublan, Mex.

I attended Sunday School from 9 to 10:30 A.M. and addressed the School. Attended Conference meeting from 10:30 to 12 noon and addressed the conference. At close of this meeting I met with the Stake Presidency and a number of brethren whose names had been presented to and sustained by the Stake Priesthood Meeting to be ordained to offices in the Melchesidek Priesthood. I interviewed them and found three men recommended to be ordained High Priests who are users of tobacco. I refused to take the responsibility of their ordination. The Stake Presidency said they would bear the responsibility so they were ordained.


28 March 1910 • Monday


I spent hours of the day and evening in Corralating dat[e]s of the Councils of the General Authorities of the Church from the Commencement of the Church organization. There have been 6 Presidents, 7 First Counselors, 9, second counselors, 48 members of the Council of the Twelve, 5 Presiding Bishops, 4 First Counselors, 7 Second counselors, 34 members of the First Council of Seventies and 5 Presiding Patriarchs. I read for about two hours from the Historical Record Church Encyclopidia the experiences of the Prophet Joseph while in the hands of Missouri Officers Reynolds & Wilson, The three witnesses and J. C. Bennetts infamy. Prepared for bed at 10:30 o’clock. My work and reading of this day has been intensely interesting. Obtained valuable Knowledge from Pres F. M. [p. 111] Lyman’s journal which I will record in a book for items of special importance.


11 January 1910:

The Gospel is true.

How long O Lord will the honorable, honest, misguided, go on and not be undeceived? Lord have mercy on the deceivers of men; Those who blind the minds of the children of men to the truth and prejudice their minds against thy cause and thy people.


February 25, 1910

Last night on the train where I slept well, I had a very re[p. 80]markable dream. I was in attendance at a stake quarterly conference on the stand and seated by Pres. Lorenzo Snow and as near as I can remember he either attracted my attention by looking or pointing and looking towards heaven and as we gazed in that direction our minds drawn out in desire to receive help or some manifestation, there came from that source a manifestation which impressed me that the love for our fellow men approaches that for our Lord. As I was once impressed by dream or vision and thrilled by the love of God or of Christ so I was on this occasion thrilled by the love of man for man. Love for my brethren.


6 April 1910 • Wednesday


Conference continued.

Attended 10 A.M. meeting and after the meeting I met Pres. Lyman and the Beaver Stake Presidency at the former’s office in council.

At 2 P.M. meeting the vacancy in the First Presidency caused by the death of Pres. Jno R. Winder was filled by sustaining Pres. Anthon H. Lund as First Counselor. This created a vacancy which was filled by John Henry Smith and the vacancy occasioned by the call of J. H. Smith to the First Presidency was filled by calling Joseph F. Smith Jr. to the Apostleship. Elders Clawson & Smoot were released from the Auditing committee and John C Cutler & Heber Scocroft sustained in their stead.

In counseling with the Beaver Stake Presidency Pres. Lyman instructed them to have Bro. [last name redacted] handled by his Bishopric and if disfellowshiped then he should be handled by the Presidency and High Council and that this [p. 117] should be an example of how they should proceed in the future in all such cases. He called their attention to the fact that Bro [last name redacted] had been disfellowshiped by his bishop & later excommunicated by the High Council of Liberty Stake. This is a pattern of how to deal with such cases. And the Bishops & Stake Presidents should assume the responsibility belonging to them and not run to the First Presidency with their troubles stating that if they get far wrong the First Presidency or Twelve would put them straight.


7 April 1910 (not 1906) • Thursday


I attended regular council meeting of the First Presidency and the Twelve in the temple from 10 A.M. to about 2:30 P.M. At this meeting there were present Prests. Jos. F. Smith, Anthon H. Lund, John Henry Smith & Francis M. [p. 118] Lyman and Elders Heber J. Grant, Rudger Clawson Hyrum M. Smith, Geo F. Richards Orson F. Whitney, David O. McKay, A. W. Ivins and Joseph F. Smith Jr.

All laid their hands upon the head of Pres. Anthon H. Lund except Jos. F. Jr (not yet ordained) and Pres Joseph F. Smith Set him apart First Counselor in the First Presidency. Then all with same exception laid hands on Bro. John Henry Smith and Pres Smith set him apart. Then all laid hands on Joseph F. Smith Jr. and Pres Jos. F. Smith ordained him an apostle and set him apart a member of the Council of Twelve.

Other business received our attention and Pres. Smith said he thought Bro. Chas. W. Penrose had presided long enough in Europe and should be released to come home. He said the members of the First Presidency had each had a turn of presiding over the European mission also bros. Francis M. Lyman & Heber J. Grant and that he felt that Elder Rudger Clawson should succeed Bro. Penrose. Bro. Penrose will have been gone 3½ years before he gets home and he thought i.e. Pres. Smith thought the brethren ought not to be kept there so long a time ordinarily. Bro. Penrose had been detained there so long because of his peculiar fitness for the position.

By motion of Elder Hyrum M. Smith the nomination of Elder Clawson to succeed Elder Penrose & that the latter be released was ratified. Elder Clawson [p. 119] was asked how he felt about it and replied that he was on hand for any labor the brethren had for him or words to that effect.

The six members of the Church when organized in [blank] Seneca Co., N.Y. Apr 6, 1830 were

Joseph Smith

Hyrum Smith

Samuel H. Smith

Oliver Cowdry

David Whitmer

Peter Whitmer


5 May 1910 • Thursday


I was in attendance at a regular meeting of our council from 10 A.M. to 3 P.M. received appointment to Cassia. Attended a meeting of the Twelve at Pres. Lyman’s office from 3:30 to about 7 P.M. We had Patriarch Judson Toleman before us.


14 April 1910 • Thursday


I attended regular weekly Council meeting of the Presidency and the Twelve and received an appointment with Joseph F. Smith Jr. to the Bear River Stake conference to be held at Garland. Bro. Jos. F’s maiden trip since he became a member of the Council.


28 May 1910

I spoke of the errors made by bible Commentators. Referred to what I read from Bp. Jolley’s family bible on Nebuchdnezzar’s dream & its interpretation and talked on that subject the Gospel and Church of Jesus Christ being the Kingdom spoken of by Daniel which would eventually fill the whole earth. Christ shall come and reign as King of Kings & Lord of Lords &c. I occupied 35 minutes with good liberty.


4 July 1910

In the afternoon a man aged about 30 years called and asked if this was Geo. Richard’s I told him yes and invited him in. He said he had a sister in scandinavia who desired to come out here and asked if I could not lend him $10.00 or $20.00 for the purpose. On inquiry I learned that he had a mother, and several brothers in if forget whether sweden or Norway or Denmark. His name is Hans Peterson, lives at 66 Commercial street, has been in this Country a number of years, is working for Meron and when I informed him that I was not prepared to help him and gave him some advise he showed his color & said Joseph smith was no prophet and the Mormon Church is the most rotten church on earth. I showed him the door & told him he could not talk that way in my house. As he went out he said that I was no saint and that the present president of the church is a liar. All this without any provocation and I am in doubt as to whether I was justified in treating him as humanly as I did. My feelings were greatly wrought up but I held my tongue.


10 July 1910

Attended public meeting, in the Ogden tabernacle at 7 P.M. and listened to a discourse of 80 minutes by Pres. B. H. Roberts [p. 179] on priesthood. This was one of the choicest discourses I ever listened to.


8 September 1910 • Thursday


I attended regular weekly Council meeting in the temple and after the meeting, the members of the Twelve held an informal meeting at which the matter of handling the plural marriage cases in the Church was discussed i.e. how best to get at them and make Pres. Jos. F. Smiths declaration effective. I suggested that if Pres. Smith would in general Conference reiterate his declaration of 1904 and instruct the Church courts to enforce the rule it would have a beneficial effect within and without the church.


30 September 1910

Pres. Francis M. Lyman who has for weeks been afflicted and had an absess lanced is now almost fully recovered. He says he feels about as well as ever before.

Elder Geo. Albert Smith is improving slowly

The other brethren are pretty well unless it be J. G. Kimball who says he has appendicitis on both sides and indigestion between and for this reason he positively refuses to smile.


28 September 1910 • Wednesday


I attended council meeting of the Twelve in temple from 10 A.M. to 1 P.M. and from 2:30 P.M. to 6 P.M.

At the morning session [first and last names redacted] was excommunicated for entering into illegal marriage contrary to the rule & diciplin of the church, for lying and for contempt.


3 October 1910

At 10:30 I met with the Council of the Twelve in the temple and heard the [last name redacted] case to conclusion and we excommunicated him, [ecclesiastical title and last name redacted] for performing plural marriages and him self taking a wife since the declaration of Pres. Smith of Apr. 1904.


8 October 1910 • Saturday


My brother Wilford called at our home and we together went to the Special Priesthood meeting held in the Assembly room. At this meeting a copy of a letter by the First Presidency to be sent to all the presidencies of stakes was read. [p. 17]

This letter instructs all Stake Presidencies to notify all the people of the contents of the letter and to instruct the Bishops to deal with offenders of the rule of the church. President Smith made clear his attitude on the question. He said, “There is not a man in all Israel who is authorized to perform plural marriages. If any man shall say there is tell him he lies. The Lord has revealed that there is but one man at a time who has that authority. Any man who assumes that authority is a falsifyer and trying to injure me and the church and should you knock such an one down I shall not feel badly about it. Now is this clear? Do you see any loop hole? If so tell me. If there is any way to make it plainer I wish you would tell me how to do it.[”]

Pres Bluthe of North Weber Stake presidency asked if the letter with reference to dealing with people referred alike to those who contracted such relations before Apr 1904 & Oct. 1890 and those since Apr 1904. President Lund said the letter is clear that it refers to those who have violated the rule to which a penalty is affixed. The letter was indorsed unanimously [p. 18] by those present.

After meeting Pres. Lyman and I administered to Alma Larson at the former’s office. We as a council of Twelve decided to Summons Bro. [last name redacted] before us Wednestay next at 10 A.M. to show cause why he should not be excommunicated from the Church for marying a plural wife and performing plural marriages since the Declaration of Pres. Smith of 1904.


27 October 1910 • Thursday


I attended regular weekly meeting of the Council of the First Presidency and the Twelve & Patriarch from 10 to 2:30 oclock. After the meeting we went up into the upper room of the temple and there decided to clean it up and use it occasionally at least. . . .

In a conversation with Pres. Lyman this evening, he told me that he appreciated very much the fact that whenever and wherever I am wanted, I am always on hand. I told him any time [p. 35] he had any hard trips or unpleasant work that he could trust to me, that he need not hesitate in calling upon me.

Pres. R. S. Wells telephoned me that his appointment with me to Woodruff interferes with a former appointment made for him by his council involving a series of Council meeting and quorum meetings of Seventies in Idaho, so I excused him & reporting to Pres. Lyman, he said I was a full team and would have to go alone to which I do not murmur.


23 December 1910 • Friday


Weather cold. I am much improved. This is the Prophet Joseph Smiths birth day anniversary.

I wrote letters to my friends. My brother Fred came down from Logan and I spent an hour with him and my mother at her home and after his depature at 3:30 to go down town and attend to business, I talked with [p. 84] Mother upon a subject about which we have never before conversed.

She told me about President Brigham Young’s treatment of Fathers Willard’s family after his death. Father Willard as Church Historian had his office in his home where my mother and her sister sarah lived. At his death the office effects, papers, records &c were removed from there and when certain papers were wanted and could not be found Brigham came over to their home and charged them with having purloined them for the purpose of getting money out of them later “as did Emma Smith,” Mother and Aunt Sarah disclaimed any knowledge of them and he in a gruff manner insisted that they had them and commanded them to tear open their feather beds, which of course they did not do, and when they shed the tears of broken hearts and wounded spirits he charged them with shedding crocodile tears. Bro. Robert Campbell later told the folks that the papers had been found but no apology was ever offered. The women took in sewing and did what they could at maintaining themselves, and raised what they could in their garden. It was in a [p. 85] conspicuous place, where the Present Des. News building stands & in the rear. Brigham told Thos L. Kane the administrator of the estate that that family must be moved from there Brigham told him to have them moved to Farmington and it was done to the sorrow and almost breaking of their hearts. This the cause of the move because these widows were seen working in the garden which was a shame and a disgrace, to whom? After property had been recovered, Brigham instructed Bp. J. W. Hess to not let the Doctor’s widows be baptized at time of the reformation and it became known and they were under a clowd in Farmington in consequence, but later word was sent to them that they might be baptized. At one time the properties were consecrated to the Church. Brigham told our folks they owned nothing it all belonged to the Church but when he came to try & sell the property he found the title vested in the family (Estate) Jennings Corner I allude to particularly as it was he who was trying to buy the property. Mother’s justification for speaking of these things even now for the first time when I am in my fiftieth year is as a partial paliation for the weak faith of Heber, Willard & Joseph, not justi[p. 86]fying them but accounting for their condition of faith. It was drawn out by the thought expressed by me that if the boys wronged their father’s widows <& younger children,> and had never righted that wrong it would naturally result in loss of the spirit and spiritual darkness.


9 February 1911 • Thursday


I attended regular council meeting of the First Presidency and Twelve in temple from 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. Received appointment with J. W. McMurrin to Teton and later the appointment was cancelled that I might be in attendance at a meeting of a committee appointed to meet three of the B.Y.U. proffessors who are charged with having systematically taught in the B.Y.U. doctrines in conflict with the doctrines of the gospel &c. [evolution]


10 February 1911 • Friday


From 10 A.M. to 7 P.M. with exception of 40 minutes recess I was with members of my council as a committee at Pres. Lyman’s office investigating the faith and doctrines taught in the B.Y.U. by certain college proffersors. The personnal of the committee was Pres Lyman, Elders Grant, Penrose, H. M. Smith, A. W. Ivins & myse[l]f and Pres. Cummings Supt of Church Schools. Prests Geo Brimhall and Keeler of B.Y.U. were in attendance. Henry & Joseph Peterson and Prof Chamberlain were examined. These believe in and teach Higher Criticism and Evolution in the B.Y.U.


21 February 1911 • Tuesday

Home. …

The extent to which evolution and higher criticism is gaining ground among our school teachers is something alarming. The effects of such teachings in the B.Y.U. of Prove [Provo] are indeed alarming. These style them selves the progressive eliment There are those making up the conservative element and then the orthodox Mormons.


24 February 1911 • Friday

Home. …

I feel that I have a very great deal to be thankful for and am very happy with my family and my home and in my membership in the Church. The fellowship I have with my brethren and the Saints and the favor of the Lord. For the understanding I have of the plan of Salvation, the gospel, and the assurances I have of its divine druth [truth] and saving power. For my calling and authority as an Apostle of the last days, one of the Chosen Twelve; that I feel as much in place as I do in council of the Tw<e>lve & Presidency For the help and blessing of the [p. 136] Lord in my past labors; the things I have learned; the things I know and feel; for the peace there is in my soul. May the name of the Lord be praised for ever. May his grace sustain me to the end. I desire to know what the Lord and my brethren would have me to do and to be able to do same in a proper manner. May the Lord help me to this end.


1 March 1911 • Wednesday

Home …

I attended a special meeting of the [p. 141] Twelve in the temple from 10 A.M. to 5:45 P.M. with 1 hr 20 min. recess. Jno. W. Taylor was before us.


27 March 1911 • Monday

Home. …

In the evening I attended the Gotch,–Leon wrestling match at the Colonial. I saw the First Presidency, Pres. Lyman, Bp. Nibley and other prominent men there.


March 28, 1911


Weather fine All well.

I attended a special meeting of the Twelve held in the temple from 10 A.M. to about 2:30 P.M. at which there were present Pres Francis M. Lyman, Elders Heber J. Grant, Hyrum M. Smith, Chas. W. Penrose, Geo. F. Richards, Orson F. Whitney, David O. McKay, Anthony W. Ivins and Joseph F. Smith Jr Elder Geo Albert Smith was also with us for a short time but on account of his poor health was excused early. We discussed the merits and demerits in Bro. John W. Taylor’s case heard some weeks before. The final action taken and made unanimous by unanimous vote was excommunication for insubordination to the Church and the diciplin [discipline] thereof. [p. 164]

It was shown that he had threatened the lives of two of the Apostles, F. M. L. & J. H. S. He had cursed one of the Apostles who has been sick for about two years and attributed his sickness to that cause. He had disclosed and made improper use of a purported revelation of his father, Pres. John Taylor to the comfort of those who were opposed to the Church action in discontinuing the practice of plural marriage in the church. He had characterized the action of the Church Authorities in relieving Bp. Robinson of Colonial Dublan of his bishopric or presidency over the ward as one of the most unjust and unrighteous acts ever committed. He had confessed to having authorized an elderly man a Patriarch (Wolf) of Canada to mary people in plural mariage. He confessed to having him self performed such marriages since the Manifesto. He would not deny that he had recently taken a plural wife but claimed that his rights were being encroached upon when we demand to him to answer thus incriminating himself. He did [p. 165] not propose to make answers before this body of men that might incriminate him before the law. He had said he wanted nothing to do with any of the Twelve. That if to go to heaven ment to be associated with these he preferred to not go there or words to that effect. He had been dropped from the Council of the Twelve five years ago because he was out of harmony with the First Presidency and the Twelve but had never done any thing to put himself in harmony since but on the contrary had lent comfort to the enemy and had not tried to influence others to be quieted and sustain the Presidency. These and other miner complaints were sustained by statements of the brethren. He told us in council that we could take it for granted he had a new plural wife. We need not go to the trouble to hunt up evidence, that we could do in his case as we deemed best, that he did not care. I called on Pres Lyman in the early eve and he told me he had presented to the First Presidency our decisi[o]n in the J. W. Taylor case and our acti[o]n and that the President said he did [p. 166] not see how we could have done less.

I sat up until 12 o’clock and wrote a six paged letter, letter size, to S. C. Brown of Monroe, Utah answering him on the Subject of the Godhead. Following is a copy of letter written.


Salt Lake City, Utah Mar 28, 1911

S. C. Brown:—

Monroe, Utah.

Dear Brother:—

Yours of 13th inst is at hand. You refer to my discourse delivered in Salt Lake Tabernacle Feb 12th last as reported in Deseret News. You say you do not agree with same as to the personality of the Godhead. You also say, “The Spirit does not bear me witness of the Godhead as the Church explains it.” So you are not only out of harmony with me but with the church as well in the matter of doctrine.

Presidents Smith and Lund were present and heard that discourse and at the close of the meeting the latter shook my hand and said that was good sound doctrine so if you have any controversy it must be with the church. You say you believe in God the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost which is one God not three. That is what the Church of England believes, but their [p. 167] creeds are by the Lord characterized as abominations. You say you believe Joseph Smith was a true prophet of God. Then please explain and harmonize your views with those of the prophet Joseph’ recorded in D. & C. Lect. 5:1–3. D. & C. 130:22 and P. of G.P. p. 85 Joseph’s visitation by the Father and the Son.

Explain Matt. 3:13–17, the Son in person, the Father’s voice and the Holy Ghost in form of <a> dove. I call your attention to the ceremonies of blessing the Sacrament, and baptizing which have been given by revelation and the distinction there made between the personages. When we confirm members we say, receive ye the Holy Ghost. That does not mean the Father nor the Son.

Of whom was Jesus begotten?

Read P of G.P. p. 15 the account of the fall and the choice of Jesus and explain same from your viewpoint. See the Compendium p. 289.

How do you explain the first Art. of our faith?

Jesus was the Creator under the Father and has as much right to the title of Father of his creations as has Washington to the title of the Father of his country or any inventor to the title of Father of his inventions. See Eph. 3:9. Heb. 1:2 P. of G.P. Moses 1:32, 33; 2:1 [p. 168]

See John 17:11,17 Jesus prayed the Father to make his disciples one even as he and his father were one. Not one body but one in mind. How say you?

But why cite further scripture. If one be not blind, he should be able to see the consistency in the belief of the Church on this subject; and if blind what good can come from placing before him what he can not see.

Notwithstanding the consistency of the doctrines of the L.D. Saints and the preponderance of scriptural evidence in their support, the Sectarian holds on to a single thread and disregards all else. I wonder if you are in the same condition with respect to this subject. No man can find out the truth by arguing against it. It is he that seeketh that findeth and to him that asketh that is given. “But let him ask in faith nothing wavering.” Who but the living oracles are qualified to interpret the scriptures when not understand? The Lord says (D&C 1:38) “Whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same.”

Jesus by parable says (Luke 16:29–31) [“]They have Moses and the prophets, let them hear them. . . . . . If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded though one [p. 169] rose from the dead.”

Very respectfully,

Geo. F. Richards.

<See Church History Vol. 1. Intro. p LXXXI Full treatise.>


4 April 1911 • Tuesday

Home. Weather fine in daytime but rained during the night.

I attended the quarterly conference of the Twelve from 10 A.M. to about 2 P.M An important action was taken in releasing Elder Hyrum M. Smith from acting as clerk of the Council and appointing Elder Joseph F. Smith Jr to succeed him and instructing the latter who uses the type writer to record in loose leaf record the minutes of the Council meetings of the past not recorded which will cover a period of perhapse fifteen years or more.


5 April 1911 • Wednesday

Home. …

I attended regular weekly Council meeting of the Twelve and the First Presidency, put forward a day on account of Conference. [p. 173]

A letter from Geo W Williams of Thatcher Ariz. to me was read before the Council and I answered the letter as follows embodying as far as possible the views of Pres Jos. F. Smith as expressed.


Geo. W. Williams Jr.

This date given

Thatcher, Arizona,

Dear Brother:—

Your favor of 29th ult. received & contents considered. I read the pamphlet given me by Sister Williams entitled “The Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand” while on my way home from Arizona. I have since read what other writers have had to say upon the subject of Socialism including the “Standard Book of Knowledge.”

I think I see in Socialism an element of religion and your words go to confirm such conclusions. You say “Political power is sought for the reason that it is only through this medium that the will of the people can be expressed, and that it is the only just and legal means whereby such a scheme could be carried out.” thus tacitly admitting the political feature is but secondary.

You say: “Especially in view of our expressed belief in the principle of the United Order, which is, I presume, the most perfect form of Socialism ever yet proposed to man.” If the United Order, a religious [p. 174] principle peculiar to the L.D. Saints and their religion alone, is as you presume, the most perfect form of Socialism ever given to man, then why not the Latter Day Saints be satisfied & contented to wait until the Lord through His church is prepared to establish the Same? Have you more confidence in men and political parties than in the Lord and His Church? Or do you think the Lord moves too slowly, or that His servants are not in favor with Him to receive His will on such matters for His church & people?

“God moves in a mysterious way His wonders to perform.” And “Mans ways are not as God’s ways!” Patience and implicit confidence in God, the church and the authorities is what is needed on the part of the people, and their undivided interests and efforts along the lines on which the church is working, and in due time these problems will be worked out in the Lord’s own way.

It is the opinion of the Church authorities that the spirit of Socialism is not in harmony with the spirit of the Gospel and that to the extent that members of the Church give allegiance and devotion to Socialism they lose the spirit of loyalty and devotion to the church and the Gospel. Members are advised against affiliating with that party. Enclosed find clipping [p. 175] from the Des. News of last Saturday. I fear this letter will not be very comforting to you, brother Williams, and could wish it otherwise. I advise that you put yourself in unquestioned harmony with your brethren, and suggest that a change of invironment would be helpful.

I am with affectionate regard,

Your brother,

Geo. F. Richards


27 April 1911 • Thursday

Home. …

The question of maintaining or abandoning the College Course in the B.Y.U. on account of the expense of maintaining same was submitted to a committee of which I am a member and next Tuesday was set for the time to meet and consider same with the B.Y.U. faculty.

May 10th 10 A.M. was set as the time to hear the M. F. Cowley case.


3 May 1911 • Wednesday

Home. …

I this morning answered a letter of one of our Socialistic brethren from Thatcher, Ariz. Geo. W. Williams Jr. as follows; [p. 195]

<For former letter see Apr 4th 1911>3

Salt Lake City, Utah. May 3, 1911.

Geo. W. Williams Jr.

Thatcher, Ariz.,

Dear Brother:—

Your communication of 22nd ult is at hand answering which will say, that I have no desire to argue with you the merits or demerits of Socialism, neither do I want to be discourteous by not answering your letter. I not infrequently see comments in the papers on Socialism, pro & con; enclosed find clippings as example.

I will say, brother Williams, that I have never known of a person being excommunicated from the church because of his being a socialist or even having been tried on such charge. Those who have left the church have done so on their own account and that by degrees. When their condition has become so apostate as to be hurtful to the body, the church, they have had to be dealt with. The church endeavors by advice and counsel to restrain its members from that course which it deems harmful to its members.

Anything antagonistic to that which God has inspired, whether in church or government, is deadly to the faith, and if socialism does strike at the constitution and the laws of govern[p. 196]ment conforming thereto, as charged by some, that may be the secret of failing faith on the part of L.D.S. adherents thereto. I repeat, it is the advise and counsel of the general authorities of the church that its members do not affiliate with Socialism. When men disregard the counsels of the Holy priesthood and men in authority, they are at least on dangerous grounds.

May the Lord bless and guide you aright in all matters.


Your brother

Geo. F. Richards


11 May 1911 • Thursday

Home. …

I attended regular weekly council meeting in the temple from 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. and a special meeting of the Twelve from 3 P.M. to 7 P.M. at which Bro. M. F. Cowley’s case was concluded. He was deprived of the exercise of any of the rights of the Priesthood or deprived of the right to exercise any of the prerogatives of the Priesthood.


12 May 1911 • Friday


Weather pleasant Folks all well.

I spent the day home studying and writing until about 11 P.M.

I called and saw Pres. Lyman, my neighbor, and received from him a copy of the proceedings in the Taylor Cowley case when they were dropped from the Council of Twelve also decision of the Council in Moses Thatcher’s case. These I recorded in a large record book where I record important matters. They were loaned me for purpose of recording. [p. 205]


6 August 1911 • Sunday

Home Logan.

Between meetings Elder Jos. F. Smith Jr. and I walked over to former President Isaac Smiths, he had gone to Lewiston, we then called at my brother Fred’s. Only Carrie, Maybel & Nanny at home

At 2 P.M. meeting, present, 1390. Authoriti[e]s sustained. The speakers were as follows; Dr. Oliver H. Budge of the Stake presidency, Joseph Smith Jr. myself and Pres Baliff. I recapitulated the good things said of the people & spoke well of the Presidency, explained the principle of Storing wheat, elevators prefered to granaries, High Priests & Seventi[e]s [p. 278] eligible for teacher’s work &c. good liberty.

At this time we brokefast with an excellent dinner parpared by Pres. Baliffs daughter. After Supper the Rev. Mr. Nutting & another minister named [blank] called on us and Elder Smith & Mr. Nutting had quite an argument over points touched upon by Elder Smith in his afternoon talk.



George F. Richards (October 1924 Conference Address):

As a witness for the Lord, I testify that God the eternal Father lives, an immortal and glorified being, after whose image and likeness man is created and made, male and female, being born sons and daughters of God. He is a being having a body of flesh and bones and spirit. He has created all things through his Son Jesus Christ. The earth is his, and the fullness thereof, and all blessings, spiritual and temporal, come from him. I also testify that Jesus Christ is the Son of God the eternal Father, that he is the first born of the Father in the spirit, and the Only Begotten of the Father in the flesh, that he is the Savior and Redeemer of the world, that he was scourged and crucified, and that he died and was resurrected and ascended to heaven where he sits upon the throne of the Father at his right hand in glory. I know that my Redeemer lives.

I bear testimony also that I do know that Joseph Smith, the founder of this work, was a divinely inspired prophet of God, and that those who have succeeded to the Presidency of this Church, each in his time, has been inspired of the Lord for his particular work and responsibility; that President Heber J. Grant, no less than his predecessors, is inspired of the Lord, and under his presidency the work is prospering and is becoming more and more a marvel and a wonder to the world. It is the work of God and not the work of man, and no power can stay its progress. The purposes of the Almighty will be accomplished, and all who will, shall be saved, and all honor be to the Father through his son Jesus Christ, our Lord and Redeemer. Amen.


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